Held at Paddox Methodist Church, Dunsmore Avenue, Hillmorton, Rugby, CV22 5HD. Term time on Tuesday after school (4-4.30 or 4.30-5) with a maximum of 10 student in each class. Each session cost just £5 (sibling discount available)
So much research has done on the positive effects of music at all stages of life - recently I read a fascinating thesis on music therapy for premature infants, and we've all heard of the 'Mozart Effect'. My children definitely reacted to music even in the womb and I regularly see first hand how music can lift and calm dementia patients and others in the later stages of life. Unfortunately music provision in schools has recently declined, and quite often primary schools are unable to offer foundation stage and key stage 1 much in the way of extra curricular music making for those who really enjoy it. Again, from my own experience as a parent, students often are unable to join the school choir, if there is one, until year 3, and instrumental lessons certainly are unavailable until Key Stage 2.
'From The Top' has been created to allow these younger children the opportunity to enjoy music and music making. After a whole day of working so hard on being still and the many demands thrust upon them even in these early years at school, the sessions are designed to be fast paced, interactive, noisy and provide a space for wiggly bums, whilst promoting positive well being and learning without necessarily realising it.